entrepeneur - artist - founder - leader - drone expert - ai evengelist - speaker - dad

Improving the human experience with technology.

Featured Projects

Stuff i want people to see


The “More ART” organization put me and Krystoph Wazniko together to make this amazing technology and social comentary piece wich was debuted in Milan Italy at the Napolean park. The piece was totled “LORO” which means “THEM” in Italian. 4 Drones flew simultaneously with eyes and interviews from people Imigrating...

Drones in Nepal Earthquake

This is a story of the right tech being in the right place at the right time. The morning the news spread of the ongoing tremmors in Nepal, a good friend in the region reached out to me to express his interest in traveling to Nepal from his home in  (xxx). Apu and i had...

App De Jour

An app in a day. Sometimes less. Never more.

From the Blog

The Future of AI in Security: From Reactive to Predictive As AI technology rapidly evolves, we’re approaching a pivotal shift in security:

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